eclicktik films






Exclusive Content

Building Brands One 
Video at a Time.

helping creatives launch

We partner with personal brands helping them turn their expertise into profitable courses. Our comprehensive approach covers every step: from strategic planning and innovative content creation to seamless implementation and ongoing support. We don't just create courses; we transform your passion into an impactful brand that changes lives and drives success.

their first digital podcast

Trusted by hundreds of content strategy and marketing teams.

Bring your vision to life with our expert guidance and support. From Script to Screen, we can help jump start your business through high quality education.

Start Creating

Launch your first podcast in 
less than 60 day

Ready to Reach Out

Get notifications about all our latest courses, webinars, and opportunities to build your brand.

Our speaker reels can help you book and grow your speaking career through our current formula.


Launching a webinar can make a great lead magnet in prep for launching your course.


We can help bring your event to life and capture it just the way you remember. But better!

course creation

something else in mind?

what is a pre-launch strategy?


Katy Borzinqus 


"I have been able to quit my 9-5 job and focus full time on the course since our launch. This was the most successful thing I have ever done!."

Grant Muller

"The quality of footage that you chose is spot on. Exactly what I wanted."
You absolutely nailed it. Couldn't be happier.

Grant Muller


"The quality of footage that you chose is spot on. Exactly what I wanted."
You absolutely nailed it. Couldn't be happier.

Exclusive Content

Building Brands One 
Video at a Time.

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