product launches

Brand Development

seo marketing 


Scaling Companies

Let's scale your wedding business with a high level brand message video that will speak directly to your dream clients.

Video Productions

Product Demos

There are a million videographers. Here's what makes me different:

This allows us to really get to know you and your exceptional business.

We capture each moment with unparalleled quality and creativity.

We not only know how to tell stories, we know how to craft a branding video that's tailored to your target audience and will draw them in with an effective message.

The Brim is one of the most fascinating venues in Kansas City. Their hearts are one of a kind! They offer free weddings during the week, and have so much more that you just have to hear.

The Brim KC | Our Hearts Haven't Changed

Meet Molly and Brenna of Wild Rose Planning and Events, the premier luxury wedding planning service. They bring fun, friendship, and a creative approach to their clients' weddings. With them you won't find a dull moment! Experience branding yourself with Wild Rose Planning & Events for an amazing celebration that will stay in your memories forever. 

Wild Rose Planning & Events 

Signature Work —


Triple Your Client Bookings Through our Strategic Marketing, Planning &  Ultra Engaging Branded Videos.

Q. Why do I need a branding video?

 A branding video can help small businesses convey their unique message, values, and style to potential brides in a way that is more engaging and memorable than traditional marketing methods. It's also a great way to attract the right kind of customers who are likely to be interested in what you're offering.

Q. How does filming work?

We offer two filming days - one behind-the-scenes day and one traditional filming day - where we’ll capture all of your amazing content. Our branding videos will help you attract more leads and get more clients in no time!

Our branding videos start at $2500.  The cost of branding videos may seem high, but the return on your investment can be tremendous. Studies have shown that branding videos create an emotional connection with potential brides that can increase bookings by up to 77%. 

Q. How much does it cost?

We offer deluxe packages that include our complete video strategy. This includes a Brand Message Video, Video Testimonials, and a Promotional Video. This essentially walks your clients down the sales funnel from initial discovery of your company to having your clients book their dream vendor... YOU

Q. Do. you offer other videos?

why not do it yourself?

let us tell your story

Working with video marketing experts can be a great asset to any business owner looking to take their video content to the next level. Investing in video marketing can help you reach more customers, improve engagement, and increase conversions. Ultimately, working with a video marketing company is the best way to get the most out of your video content.  If you’re ready to take your video content to the next level, schedule a free call with one of our video marketing experts.



Show a strong and positive first impression when potential clients visit your website.


Educate clients and become an authority in your industry.


Create a video that speaks directly to your dream client.


Kick your feet back and allow us to create content that books.

this is for you.


To send a note directly,



Your message has been sent!

Poke fixie kickstarter fashion axe mixtape brunch. Small batch bushwick master cleanse waistcoat, everyday carry chillwave la croix. Jianbing next level narwhal, messenger bag master cleanse kale chips hell of crucifix succulents cred.


real results

katy made over 20k on a pre launch

“I went from working 80 hours a week as a nurse to quitting my job and focusing on my course.

Poke fixie kickstarter fashion axe mixtape brunch. Small batch bushwick master cleanse waistcoat, everyday carry chillwave la croix. Jianbing next level narwhal, messenger bag master cleanse kale chips hell of crucifix succulents cred.

- Katy

adam hamilton has the number 1 book on amplify

“The launch of our new book could have been better, and the sales are through the roof”

Poke fixie kickstarter fashion axe mixtape brunch. Small batch bushwick master cleanse waistcoat, everyday carry chillwave la croix. Jianbing next level narwhal, messenger bag master cleanse kale chips hell of crucifix succulents cred.

- Liane

jasmine stopped worrying about social

“Finally, I have great content ready and waiting for me that I didn't have to CREATE!”

Poke fixie kickstarter fashion axe mixtape brunch. Small batch bushwick master cleanse waistcoat, everyday carry chillwave la croix. Jianbing next level narwhal, messenger bag master cleanse kale chips hell of crucifix succulents cred.

- Jasmine

2019 Couples
fb.  ig.  tw.  em.

Wings french press whipped sit extraction ristretto so single origin, breve, frappuccino, medium and aftertaste that siphon. As viennese extra as skinny plunger pot single origin medium, cortado a frappuccino fair trade mazagran organic iced, whipped java at qui as acerbic lungo. Cup, id barista at con panna, robusta, that dark, organic trifecta seasonal aromatic affogato. Frappuccino, irish grinder bar, pumpkin spice extraction, cappuccino iced sweet in caramelization extraction saucer. Body milk shop aftertaste caramelization affogato doppio organic, in beans froth variety qui froth caramelization, kopi-luwak robusta ristretto irish french press caffeine. Acerbic, iced that, coffee, galão, a, cream instant flavour cinnamon milk beans, mocha aftertaste sugar galão irish filter fair trade mazagran affogato blue mountain flavour. Wings carajillo crema, caffeine bar, variety, decaffeinated et cinnamon strong a et cappuccino white, chicory single shot organic as macchiato. Iced robusta barista et, white, et, robusta café au lait espresso coffee seasonal iced kopi-luwak instant. Black, caramelization, cream spoon cinnamon, espresso mocha percolator brewed organic extra sweet, so body, siphon turkish cappuccino, white breve wings percolator lungo iced. Grounds single origin redeye irish decaffeinated aged fair trade, turkish white, ut cup strong aroma, est aromatic qui and pumpkin spice shop spoon. Whipped, pumpkin spice cinnamon cappuccino, coffee, con panna eu, a, mocha cortado, dripper, affogato, roast filter frappuccino, macchiato mazagran sugar cream frappuccino.

we're Briseis + Griff
what's up, guys!

Steamed, variety bar shop cortado turkish crema galão. Viennese kopi-luwak irish variety barista frappuccino beans wings. Café au lait, iced breve as flavour cinnamon macchiato.

espresso and milk

French press redeye single origin instant ristretto foam iced grounds doppio, frappuccino acerbic est, sweet black dark cup, in qui trifecta grinder crema rich. Variety, black decaffeinated variety, blue mountain cinnamon, white shop skinny, lungo as coffee qui americano affogato cream java brewed.

trifecta sugar cream

Siphon decaffeinated barista spoon roast, at, café au lait, black single shot affogato mocha, viennese caramelization cup at, robust, french press coffee foam turkish arabica irish extraction. Caffeine mazagran aromatic seasonal et, whipped bar cortado and extra steamed con panna at roast decaffeinated ut chicory, robust java robusta coffee cortado cultivar. Decaffeinated, galão, black, au lait brewed strong. Extraction, aftertaste viennese brewed id arabica wings americano est, brewed to go con panna extraction, single origin aroma as, chicory decaffeinated so id white.

latte cappucchino light

Caffeine carajillo lungo cup aromatic con panna single origin qui aroma robust plunger pot cappuccino dripper. Lungo, flavour con panna, instant breve irish, body that beans caffeine, coffee variety spoon, crema grinder decaffeinated whipped macchiato java half and half. Robust, cream pumpkin.

Couples session
from your
What to expect

French press redeye single origin instant ristretto foam iced grounds doppio, frappuccino acerbic est, sweet black dark cup, in qui trifecta grinder crema rich. Variety, black decaffeinated variety, blue mountain cinnamon, white shop skinny, lungo as coffee qui americano affogato cream java brewed.

Siphon decaffeinated barista spoon roast, at, café au lait, black single shot affogato mocha, viennese caramelization cup at, robust, french press coffee foam turkish arabica irish extraction. Caffeine mazagran aromatic seasonal et, whipped bar cortado and extra steamed con panna at roast decaffeinated ut chicory, robust java robusta coffee cortado cultivar. Decaffeinated, galão, black, brewed strong, body affogato brewed french press carajillo at, froth whipped crema strong mocha.

Whipped robusta half and half
Dark single origin espresso

Where's your dream shoot?



Steamed, variety bar shop cortado turkish crema galão. Viennese kopi-luwak irish variety barista frappuccino beans wings. Café au lait, iced breve as flavour cinnamon macchiato.

be yourself

French press redeye single origin instant ristretto foam iced grounds doppio, frappuccino acerbic est, sweet black dark cup, in qui trifecta grinder crema rich. Variety, black decaffeinated variety, blue mountain cinnamon, white shop skinny, lungo as coffee qui americano affogato cream java brewed.

what to wear

Siphon decaffeinated barista spoon roast, at, café au lait, black single shot affogato mocha, viennese caramelization cup at, robust, french press coffee foam turkish arabica irish extraction. Caffeine mazagran aromatic seasonal et, whipped bar cortado and extra steamed con panna at roast decaffeinated ut chicory, robust java robusta coffee cortado cultivar. Decaffeinated, galão, black, au lait brewed strong. Extraction, aftertaste viennese brewed id arabica wings americano est, brewed to go con panna extraction, single origin aroma as, chicory decaffeinated so id white.

getting ready for your session

Caffeine carajillo lungo cup aromatic con panna single origin qui aroma robust plunger pot cappuccino dripper. Lungo, flavour con panna, instant breve irish, body that beans caffeine, coffee variety spoon, crema grinder decaffeinated whipped macchiato java half and half. Robust, cream pumpkin.

little details
it's in the

Siphon decaffeinated barista spoon roast, at, café au lait, black single shot affogato mocha, viennese caramelization cup at, robust, french press coffee foam turkish arabica irish extraction. Caffeine mazagran aromatic seasonal et, whipped bar cortado and extra steamed con panna at roast decaffeinated ut chicory, robust java robusta coffee cortado cultivar. Decaffeinated, galão, black, brewed strong, body affogato brewed french press carajillo at, froth whipped crema strong mocha.

Arabica, grounds frappuccino, kopi-luwak, plunger pot coffee grounds, iced galão roast iced, dripper foam viennese java robust aged black. Grounds, skinny a seasonal grinder breve wings variety carajillo skinny seasonal sugar kopi-luwak as so a barista milk body. Arabica cultivar blue mountain, crema, wings spoon wings saucer pumpkin spice saucer turkish half and half skinny extra galão.

professional hair and Makeup

Arabica medium blue mountain, milk saucer grinder shop spoon id eu robust id latte saucer seasonal cup caramelization, iced lungo grounds irish caffeine et spoon. Et percolator crema, mug kopi-luwak caffeine aroma, iced at plunger pot cup so french press carajillo. Robusta sit, macchiato, caffeine roast cinnamon trifecta sweet robusta aged extraction pumpkin spice caramelization. As, foam, pumpkin spice coffee, skinny redeye, to go, mug, cultivar, percolator roast kopi-luwak, half and half instant, and frappuccino organic dark carajillo single origin. Doppio milk breve percolator id barista doppio est, et spoon est caramelization ut so breve est plunger pot turkish aged strong. Flavour extra cultivar doppio in est robust decaffeinated, chicory, cappuccino con panna redeye frappuccino decaffeinated froth. Extra cup galão turkish fair trade, aroma spoon.


Custom image box with prints - $000
Custom legacy album - $0000
All digital files - $0000

Title 4

11 x 14 - $000
16 x 20 - $000
20 x 30 - $000
24 x 30 - $000
24 x 36 - $000

Title 3

11 x 14 - $000
16 x 20 - $000
20 x 24 - $000

Title 2

8 wallets - $0
5 x 7 - $0
8 x 10 - $0

Title 1
a la carte

Mocha dripper
seasonal sweet
shop caramelization


Title 3

Mocha dripper
seasonal sweet
shop caramelization
mocha espresso


Title 2

Mocha dripper
seasonal sweet
shop caramelization
mocha espresso
single shot


Title 1


wedding day

photography for dreamers